The dating agency that suits your needs

Tim Taylor Partner Computer Group
is one of the leading agencies of the line operating since 1982 with great efficiency.
Operating since so many years on such a sensitive market we not only gained expert knowledge , we are also able to use our experience in innovative ways.
Tim Taylor Partner Computer Group
fullfills your desire for a harmonious and happy relationsship.
Today one out of six relationships is initiated through an agency. Supposing an estimated figure of approximately 20 mio. single people looking for a partner at present, this results in more than 1,5 mio. new relationships. Reason enough for more people to choose this rather successful way.
Tim Taylor Partner Computer Group
charges a one time fee only and will continue to put you in contact with suitable partners without a timelimit until you are seccesfully settled.
We are one of a few agencies that offer a dating service without a timelimit. The client is under no pressure at all and can even take up our offers after years, should the need occure, without being charged again.
Tim Taylor Partner Computer Group
uses a scientifically approved method.
Prof. Peter Propping from the Institut for Human Genetics at the University Bonn has discovered in a research for example, that couples have similar psychical and physical attributes. The scientists have a simple answer to this phenomenon. Similarities are attractive because they strengthen the own ego and are good for ones self-confidence. But what about the old folkwisdom that contrarities attract? That, the social psychologists say, is mostly down to mere physical attraction.
Tim Taylor Partner Computer Group
is a worthwile investement into your future.
Due to longterm experience and the great number of clients, Tim Taylor Partner Computer Group Inc. can offer remarkably low rates for first class service.

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